The Frosts Honor Roll recognizes outstanding academic achievement. Honor Roll students must earn a grade point average/honor roll average of 3.333 for a marking period. The honor roll average is determined by dividing the number of honor points earned by the number of classes. Grade points/honor points are not rounded. This score is particularly important to high school counselors and college admissions officers. Students who earn the privilege of being on the Honor Roll will be recognized after each marking period. If an 8th grade student is honored for each of the first three marking periods, he/she will also be honored at Honors Night.
*Students who receive a "4" or "5" in citizenship are not eligible for the honor roll.
Letter Grade Honor Points
Parents have access to all teachers Gradebooks via the Parent Connection. You may contact your student’s counselor if you need assistance with a password. Students are encouraged and expected to monitor their own progress by viewing their grades online via Student Connection.
At the end of each quarter, report cards are completed to reflect the student’s progress. Two marks are given. One mark is a letter to tell the quality of the student’s work.
A – Represents excellence
B – Represents above average
C – Represents average
D – Represents the lowest quality of work for which a passing grade is given
E – Represents failure for that marking period
I – Represents incomplete work (You have 10 days to complete whatever work is missing and have the grade changed. If it is not changed in that time frame, it will become an ”E”)
The other mark reflects the student’s citizenship.
1 – Almost always contributes to a positive classroom atmosphere; almost always demonstrates courtesy and respect; almost always comes to class prepared.
2 – Regularly contributes to a positive classroom atmosphere; regularly demonstrates courtesy and respect; regularly comes to class prepared.
3 – Sometimes contributes to a positive classroom atmosphere; sometimes demonstrates courtesy and respect; sometimes comes to class prepared.
4 – Often contributes to a negative classroom atmosphere; often is discourteous and disrespectful; often is unprepared to class.
5 – Almost always contributes to a negative classroom atmosphere; almost always is discourteous and disrespectful, almost always is unprepared for class.
Upon returning from an absence, students are expected to inquire regarding missed assignments. These assignments are due the next class period except in the case of consecutive absences. Time allowed for making up these assignments from extended absences will correlate with the number of classes missed. A student is allowed one day to make-up assignments per day(s) missed. However, previously assigned work with stated due dates is due immediately upon the student’s return. Students who return to school and receive make-up work and then are absent again are expected to submit all previous work upon return to school.