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Attendance & Check In/Out

Attendance & Check In / Out Procedures

Student absences will be recorded by the teacher during each period of the day.

In order to excuse a student’s absence, parents will need to:

  • Call the Frost Attendance Line (734-744-2671) and follow the prompts, OR
  • Fill out the “REPORT AN ABSENCE” Google form on the Frost website under Quick Links (used for FULL DAY absences and LATE ARRIVALS only). 

Parents/Guardians should report excused absences for their student on a daily basis by noon the day following the absence.

Livonia Public Schools Board of Education Policy deems ten absences in a class during a given semester as an excessive amount.

A student checking in after the start of school must check in at the Main Office.

To excuse a late arrival, a parent or legal guardian may...

  • Use the online REPORT AN ABSENCE form
  • Send a note with the student, or
  • Call the Attendance Line (734-744-2671).

We ask that parents use one of these methods (rather than accompanying the student) to excuse their student.

In order to limit the number of visitors to our building, and not disrupt student learning, we ask that if your student needs to be dismissed before the end of the school day (2:50pm), they should bring a note to the Main Office before their first class of the day, where they will receive an Early Dismissal pass.

Students who receive a pass to leave during the school day should keep the pass until the time indicated on it, show it to their teacher at the appropriate time and come to the Main Office with their belongings to check out.

Parents who do not send a note with their student will need to come to the Main Office and present a photo ID to dismiss their student.  Only persons listed on the emergency card may release a student.

Parents and students should not use electronic devices to contact each other in order to make arrangements for early release.

Students may not leave the school building during the school day without checking out in the Main Office.