Parent Involvement Plan
Parent/Guardian Involvement Plan - Livonia Public Schools
The Livonia Public Schools believes that the education of all students should be a partnership between the school and the parent community. Both the District and the parent community play an essential role in the success of all students.
The District, in collaboration with parents in the community, will develop a parent involvement plan that reflects practices that enhance parent and community involvement and reflect the specific needs of each school within the district.
1. Communication: Schools and the parent community will communicate regularly and clearly about academic opportunities, school performance, student progress and parent/guardian activities.
Communication Activities:
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- District, School and Classroom Newsletters
- District and School Annual Education Reports
- E-News (Electronic communications sent from school and district staff)
- School, District and Teacher Websites
- District’s Cable channel
- Parent Connect
- Coffee with the Principal
- Teleparent (Telephone communication sent from school and district staff)
2. Parenting: Schools and the parent community will work together to support parenting skills and activities that prepare children for school and support ongoing achievement.
Parenting Activities:
- Curriculum/Open House Nights
- PTA/PTSA Programs
- District Parent Workshops/Evenings
- School Parent Workshops/Evenings
- Parent Orientation Presentations
- Parent Transition Meetings
- Family Activity Nights
3. Student Learning: Schools will encourage parents to support the academic achievement of their children.
Student Learning Activities:
- Continuous communication on academic progress
- Parent Workshops on Homework Support
- Curriculum Nights
4. Volunteerism: Schools will encourage parents and community members to volunteer in schools to support school improvement and student success.
Volunteer Activities:
- PTA and other parent support groups
- Room Parents
- Flexible Assistance for School and Classroom Programs/Events (beyond the school day)
- Mentoring/Tutoring Students
- Local business partners as tutors
- District and School Committees
- Chaperoning Activities
5. School Decision Making: Schools will encourage parents and community members to collaborate on educational decisions that affect students and schools.
Decision Making Activities:
- School Improvement Committees
- School Advisory Groups
- Parent Advisory Boards
- Parent feedback/input on current/new programs, initiatives and practices
- District School Improvement Team
6. Community Collaboration: The District will encourage collaboration with local community organizations, local governments, businesses, members of the community, and other agencies to improve the academic achievement of all students.
Community Collaboration Activities:
- Facilitate Community members as volunteers in the schools
- Collaborate with local business to co-sponsor events and programs
- Promote governmental service activities and programs for students
- Encourage business partnerships with schools
- Co-sponsor academic support programs for students and their parents
- Host Community Forums
- Facilitate District Communication Team
Parent/Guardian Involvement Plan - Frost Middle School
“Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges”
Frost Middle School - Family Involvement Policy
The Frost Middle School staff wants to involve parents in their students’ education as much as possible. In order to do this the staff at Frost would like to present some goals and expectations we have for the parents of our students. In creating an educational partnership between the school and home environment we are expecting students to be as prepared as possible for the next step in their educational career.
Goals and Expectations
Frost Middle School staff will…
- Explain to parents the benefits of Title I funding and the opportunities the funding can provide for their students at an annual meeting convened in the first semester of the school year.
- Provide Title I parents with a staff, parent and student compact outlining Frost’s goals and expectations for all stakeholders.
- Keep parents current regarding classroom curriculum.
- Ensure that parents understand standardized testing assessment reports.
- Keep parents informed regarding opportunities for parental involvement.
- Invite parents to participate in planning activities at Frost Middle School.
- Involve parents in planning events that will help support the home to school connection.
- Make sure there is open communication between the school and home through email, websites, and other communication tools.
- Provide parent with resources that parents can use to improve their child’s achievement.
- Respond in a timely manner to parent concerns.